A digital experience platform (DXP) is the next-generation content management system (CMS) that tracks the customer journey of activities, behaviors, interactions and locations throughout the entire user journey. It enables brands to deliver targeted content and highly personalized and compelling experiences based on customer profiles across a broad range of digital touchpoints.
DXPs are designed to integrate with digital touchpoints and back-end platforms in real-time. Leveraging the flexibility of APIs, a DXP can collect and orchestrate all relevant incoming and stored data to deliver the right content and experience on the right channel. The result: brands have more control in the way they interact with their customers.
A digital experience platform without integrations is like a bar without beer
You can’t deliver a connected customer journey if the data in your systems isn’t connected. Integration tools are a critical part of your digital platform, since your DXP must incorporate all customer identities, data, and business processes. These integrations should be customizable (because every business is unique), extensible and, most importantly, easy-to-use.
Connected data is the key to future success for all businesses.
With legacy systems, niche tools, custom applications, and continuously changing business and technology requirements, most companies spend a huge amount of effort and resources developing and maintaining integrations. It’s important for your DXP to have standard, out-of-the-box APIs, with flexible tools that can integrate various technologies to help decrease the effort and cost of developing and maintaining the systems.
Digitally integrated businesses are future-proof.
Some back end platforms to potentially integrate with:
DAM: digital asset management
CRM: customer relationship management
ERP: enterprise resource planning
MDM: master data management
PCM: product content management
PDM: product data management
PIM: product information management
One of our clients is using a PIM system to store information about more than 5.000 products, for example: SKU, color, size, description, weight, …
When a B2C customer visits the website they are mainly interested in the available colors and the description in their own language. When a B2B customer visits, he wants to see other information, he’s more interested in the size and the weight of the product.
By integrating your DXP with your PIM system you are able to provide the right information through the right channel at the right time. If you want to talk about your Digital Experience Platform and how it can be integrated, don’t hesitate to contact us!
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